15 € | 10 € reduced + booking fee

A performative exploration of queer becoming and celebration of gender fluidity full of hope and resilience. between – A queer science-fiction rite explores the interconnectivity of queer subjects and cele-brates the range of gender identities. Jules Petru Fricker’s first solo rooted in their Berlin Drag practice celebrates the rite of queer becoming. The Swiss-Romanian artist formerly known under their alter ego LEGZ guides the audience through a queer sci-fi journey full of hope and resilience. Through a time travel machine installation they invoke shredded memories of their vast audiovis-ual childhood archive. Between researches the body as an archive where the performer ultimately finds refuge on the dancefloor.
There will be a "Spill the T, sis - Queer Sit-In and T-Gathering" on June 2 and a follow-up discussion to "between" on June 3.
The performance will be held in English.
Contact: Asier Solana
Phone: 0160 257 6666