
we are all made of stars

Freddie Wulf with Alicia Jane Turner
Playing times
Fr 02.06 · 18:30 - 19:45
55 min
Admission price

15 € | 10 € reduced + booking fee



Sophienstraße 18, 10178 Berlin

The production is part of the newcomer's platform Introducing... of the Berlin Performing Arts Festival 2023.

we are all made of stars is a journey through the body as a living landscape, an eco­ system, constantly in flux.
Using a borescope camera Freddie Wulf explores the close-up textures of body, water, and plant, creating a journey through a cosmic landscape passing by hairs erupting, droplets on the tiny leaves of moss, lips and throat like an underwater cave.
Performed in a bathtub, and inspired by philosophies of vital materialism, the show ad­dresses themes of wellbeing, embodiment, and self-perception from a trans masculine perspective.

With a live sound score by Alicia Jane Turner.

The event is fully booked.


The Sophiensæle are barrier-free. The canteen on the first floor is accessible at ground level and without steps. The banquet hall (1st floor) and wedding hall (3rd floor) are accessible by elevator (1.76 m x 2.71 m) when accompanied by the house staff. Detailed information can be found on the website.

The performance takes place without spoken and written language.

Content Note: The show includes loud and affective sound, nudity including close up views of the body, mild sexual content, UV lighting, near total darkness and moving/flickering video images.


Concept & performance: Freddie Wulf
Composition & live Music: Alicia Jane Turner
Lighting design: Joshie Harriette
visual/material dramaturgy: an*dre neely
Production: Will Amott
Production Management: Anna Smith
Rehearsal Room Support: Miau Vartiainen
Outside Eye: Ania Varez, Emma Frankland, Tammy Reynolds, Piper Piper
Props: Ginger Johnson
Consulting Props: Tom Cassani
Intimacy Coaching: Bishop Black
Access Support: Kosmo Binz


Freddie Wulf is a trans masculine artist making visceral & visual performance. He is interested in sensation, embodiment & self perception.

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Alicia Jane Turner is a composer and sound designer whose work spans contemporary theatre, live art and new classical music.

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Commissioned by Fierce and Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts (ACCA). Supported by FABRIC, The Yard Theatre and the Jerwood New Work Fund. Funded by Arts Council England and Help Musicians.


Fr 02.06 · 18:30 - 19:45